- What is the school/district website? Visit www.huffmanisd.net. You can also follow us on Facebook.
- Who is my Assistant Principal?
Assistant Principal (A-G)- LaTonya Dorsey
Email: ldorsey@huffmanisd.net
Assistant Principal (H-O)-GlennTurner
Email: gturner@huffmanisd.net
Assistant Principal (P-Z)-Charles Bardwell
Email: cbardwell@huffmanisd.net
- Where do I get a VOE (Verification of Enrollment)? Your Asst. Principal’s Secretary.
- Where do I get a Transcript? The Registrar (located in the counseling center), or on our website
- How do I contact a teacher? Email is generally the best method (most district employees have an email of their first initial and last name @huffmanisd.net). A voicemail message is available as well.
- What if I need to change my schedule? Emailing your counselor is generally the best method. Students can also stop by the counseling center.
- What do I do if I have been absent? Turn in documentation to the attendance office (i.e.; doctor’s note, parent note, court paperwork, etc.) Contact the attendance office for any extended absences.
- Where do I pay a fine? (i.e., library fines, ID fines, etc.)? The Librarian or www.myschoolbucks.com
- Where do I pay an invoice? (i.e.; ASL invoice, Falconette invoice, outstanding fees, etc.)? Financial Secretary or www.myschoolbucks.com
- Where do I go if I am arriving late to school? Check in at the attendance office to get a pass to class.
- What do I do if I need to leave early? A parent must call the receptionist with a time and reason for releasing early. A dismissal note will be delivered to your classroom at the appropriate time.
- Where do visitors need to go on campus? All visitors must check in with the receptionist and get a visitor’s sticker.
- Questions concerning Lettermen Jackets? Contact the sponsor for your organization.
- Where do I get a parking permit? How much is a parking permit? You must first complete the Parking Permit Request online on the school website. Payment can be made to the Financial Secretary. Cost is $25.00.
- Where can I find information about scholarships, SAT, ACT, dual credit? You can find that information on our website or visit the counseling center.