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General Information

Lead- Learn- Inspire! 

Hargrave Army JROTC Cadets, we look forward to another rewarding year. When it comes to teamwork, there’s nothing more powerful than collaboration. After all, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”

Falcon Battalion!

Contact Us

A red and white emblem with a torch and leaves

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Command Sergeant Major Batiste, Frederick, Senior Army Instructor (SAI)

Phone: 281-324-1845 ext. 4094


Sergeant First Class Williams, Bryant, Army Instructor (AI)

Phone: 281-324-1845 ext. 4094


Sports You

Code: JCQX-9C8A

Online Payments

·      Make All Payments For Course Fees Online @ 

JROTC Information

JROTC Mission: 

The Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) is the Department of Defense’s (DOD) largest youth program in the world. The JROTC Program’s mission philosophy is “To Motivate Young People to Be Better Citizens” and it is a service to our nation that provides Cadets the motivation and skills to remain drug free, graduate from high school and become successful citizens. 

What cadets can expect in this course: 

JROTC provides Cadets the motivation and skills to become successful citizens by: 

·      Improving physical fitness

·      Thinking critically and creatively

·      Communicating effectively

·      Working as a team member

·      Graduating from high school

·      Pursuing meaningful careers especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)

Falcon Battalion Course Information

Students may fulfill State graduation physical education and/or elective requirements by successfully completing the following Junior ROTC courses. A maximum of 1.5 credits may be substituted for the physical education graduation requirement with the remaining Junior ROTC credits applying toward elective graduation requirement.

LET I (5850) 1 Credit

·      Grade Level: 9 Level Grade Points

·      Prerequisite: None

·      Foundation of Army JROTC and Getting Involved: JROTC and patriotic introduction

·      Being a Leader- Leadership Lab: Leadership defined, Principals of leadership, Leading from inside out

·      Know Yourself, Study Skills, Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution,

·      Appreciating Diversity, Becoming an Active Leader.

·      Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle, First Aid Emergencies, Drug Awareness, Substance Abuse Prevention

·      The Globe: The Globe and Overview and You The People- The Citizenship Skill: Your job as an American Citizen 

LET II (5851) 1 Credit

·      Grade Level: 10 Level Grade Points

·      Prerequisite: LET I

·      Recap LET I

·      Know How to Lead: Power Bases + Influence, Styles of Leadership, Management Skills, Motivation Development

·      Know Yourself, Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution , Teaching Skills, Social Responsibility Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle, First Aid Emergencies, Drug Awareness, Substance Abuse Prevention

·      Maps, Map Reading, and Land Navigation: Introduction to Maps

·      The Citizen Action Group Process, The Foundation of a Nation, Growth of a Nation, Sources of Power

LET III (5852) 1 Credit

·      Grade Level: 11 Level Grade Points

·      Prerequisite: LET II

·      Recap LET II/ The Nation’s Defense Forces: DOD, Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines

·      Leading Situations: Performance Indicators, Negotiating Decision Making, Planning Battalion Formations

·      Conflict Resolution, Career Planning, Planning skills, Financial Planning, Medication, Emotional Intelligence, and Service Learning.

·      Taking the Cadet Challenge: Fitness

·      Orienteering: Elementary Orienteering, Environmental Awareness, Exploring the World

·      The Federal Judicial System: Enforcing the Law, John Marshall and Judicial Review 

LET IV (5853) 1 Credit

·      Grade Level: 12 Level Grade Points

·      Prerequisite: LET III

·      Recap LET III

·      Leading Situations: Leading Meetings, Supervising, Team Development, Project Management, Mentoring

·      College/ Career Planning, Planning Skills, Making a Difference through Service, Emotional Intelligence, Creating a Portfolio

·      Taking the Cadet Challenge: Fitness

·      Orienteering: Intermediate Orienteering, Environmental Issues, Exploring the World

·      Local Issues and Answers: Democracy and Freedom, Local Government, Presidential Power  

Falcon Battalion Teams & Activities

·      Raiders

·      Color Guard

·      Spirit Team

·      Community Services

·      JLAB

·      Drill Team